2019-20 Meeting Schedule:

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September 5, 2019
PepsiCo, Chicago
Professional Development Event: Emotional Intelligence
Supported by the
Institute of Food Safety and Health and
Chicago Food and Beverage Network
September 11, 2019
Morton Arboretum
Dinner Meeting Event
Title: CBD as a Functional Ingredient: A Focus on Quality
September 25, 2019
Off Color Brewing Taproom – the Mousetrap
New Professional Event: Tour and Networking
Tour and Networking event at Off Color Brewing.
October 7, 2019
DoubleTree Hotel Chicago – Oak Brook
Dinner Meeting Event
Title: Food and Local Circular Economies
November 5, 2019
Hofbrauhaus, Rosemont
CFSF Pre-Expo Party & Fundraiser
November 6, 2019
Donald E. Stephens Center, Rosemont
November 19, 2019
Flight Club, Chicago
Membership & New Professionals Event
Social Darts
November 21, 2019
Barry Callebaut
Professional Development Event
Title: The Business of Food Safety
December 4, 2019
Whole Foods Market, Chicago
New Professionals Event
Cookie Decorating & Ugly Sweater Contest
December 5, 2019
Chicago-Kent College of Law – IIT
Title: Is Chicago the "Capital" of the Food Industry?
CSIFT Members choose the "CSIFT Member" registration type and enter code
December 9, 2019
Fogo de Chão - Rosemont
Dinner Meeting Event
Holiday Party/Networking Event
January 8, 2020
Greater Chicago Food Depository
New Professionals/Membership Volunteer Event: Greater Chicago Food Depository
6:00 - 8:45 PM
January 15, 2020
Lagunitas Brewing Company, Chicago
February 3, 2020
Café la Cave, Des Plaines
Dinner Meeting Event
Title: A Panel on the Future of Food with a focus on Protein
February 20, 2020
US Foods, Rosemont
Membership & New Professionals Event
Discussion and Tasting at US FOODS®
March 9, 2020
North American Pizza & Culinary Academy
Student Night Dinner Meeting Event
Title: Pizza - Chopped: Learn from the Master Istruttors
March 18, 2020
Metropolis Coffee Company - Roasterie, Chicago
New Professionals Event
Event Cancelled
Coffee Roasting Process
Live Webinar
Title: It's the Little Things that Count: Harnessing the Power of Microbes in Agricultural Applications
Tanner Lecture Live Webinar
Title: Food Fraud Prevention – Trends Update and Building your Optimal Team
Membership Event
Virtual Chocolate Tasting
Professional Development Online Food Law Panel
Title: Food Law - Labeling Risks and Pitfalls
Membership Event
Virtual Cooking Class with Charlie Baggs
September 10, 2020
Zoom Meeting
CSIFT Virtual Learning Session
Title: Adjusting product development and raw material sourcing in the Era of COVID-19
October 7, 2020
Cog Hill Golf Course, Lemont
Midwest IFT Suppliers' Symposium & Expo
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